Meaningful Monday

Have you ever had a day where things do not seem to go as planned? Or maybe even a week that seems to spiral out of control? For me, I find that it usually always starts with a Monday. If my Monday starts off rocky- my week seems to follow. It all turns into one long bumpy roll until finally I hit a dead stop and then its time to start again. Those weeks always seem to be the longest and most stressful weeks. My anxiety gets the better of me, and I am far from the best version of my self that I pray to be (I mean I only feel like I am tumbling out of control, no reason to fret right?). These are the times when tensions in my house run high and tempers are short. As a mother I have come to find, my tone sets THE tone for everyone else. 

Working a full time job means that, I appreciate the weekend and every bit of down time as much as the next person. But, I am here to tell that Monday's are FULL of meaning. Don't get me wrong, I still grouch and grumble and blame the less than desirable situations on it being a Monday. However, I do my best to reflect on these days and my mood, and my anxiety and check the tone I am setting. We can choose to be consumed in the inevitable, or we can CHOOSE to make the best of our situations. We can choose to see the joy in a moment, in the midst of chaos, or, we can choose to drown in our stress. On these days, I find God shows me He is in control, always in gentle, and affective ways.

My day could have been a wreck. I had a laundry list of items (including a literal laundry list) of things to do at home. I also had Monday's work load from a 3 day weekend waiting for me in the office. To say I did not want to get out of bed is an understatement, but I did. My daughter did not want to get ready for school, there was a major tantrum in there (please tell me she is not the only 6 year old who's emotions bubble over). It felt impossible for me to keep myself calm and give her the grace I knew she desperately needed, but I did (I am pretty sure that grace was sent directly from God Himself ). All my little guy wanted today was cartoons and cuddles. I didn't know how I could fit it in, but I did. My intentions for today were to mark as many items off of that long list of mommy do's as possible, but what I actually did get accomplished ended up being so much more meaningful. As I sit here this evening, I realize, that I feel so much more fulfilled by the work I did get done today, than I would have scratching another mundane item off of any list. Our Monday's have meaning, all we have to do is accept it and be present in it. I hope you as you read this, you are able to find the meaning in your Monday too.

