
Welcome to my blog. Wow, that felt good to say. This is something I have been thinking about for a long time. Nothing like a pre-apocalyptic year to really get you motivated, thanks 2020.

A bit about me, I am a wife and mother of two. I have a daughter and a son and they keep me busy. One is wise, beyond her years, with a greater understanding of life than most six year olds and the other is full of love and energy and keeps me on my toes, he is the reason my caffeine addiction has doubled. My husband and I are both native, Texans, if you're from here, you know why that's important. I work a full time job outside of our home, pre- COVID anyways. I, like most, have been home quite a bit more these days, and for that I am grateful. I am a Christian I believe in the Lord and I believe in His greater plan, but I am still human, I sin and am saved by His grace. I love Jesus but I cuss a little (okay a lot- shh). 

I chose the name "Mommy Me" because this is my season of life. Mommy is my greatest and most rewarding responsibility presently. One day, my season will change and my focus will shift, as my children's needs' from me change; but for now, my tiny humans occupy my time, mind, patience and heart. Motherhood is one of the most difficult, trying and tiring tasks we are faced with but I consider it one of the greatest honors. The trick to the struggle is all how you juggle (came up with that one on the fly). 

I  plan to share all of the things that get me going in the morning, you know other than my kids and coffee. Creativity is my outlet, I most enjoy the opportunities to make something my own. I hope that you find this space uplifting, but most of all I hope you find it inspiring. 


"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

  Romans 12:12
